Join Skill N Depth: Your
Gateway to a Global Dive Projects and Career Advancement

Sign up to be the first to create a profile showcasing your skills. Blockchain verifies and secures your expertise while our digital logbook seamlessly records your experiences.

Connect globally, assess skills systematically, and verify qualifications easily. Explore a global job marketplace, apply with one click, and enjoy secure transactions through smart contracts.

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Global Employment Accessibility


Navigate the global landscape of diving opportunities with our platform that connects you to a plethora of job postings, ensuring you find the work that suits your expertise. With standardized job postings, divers can easily identify opportunities that align with their skills, location preferences, and work culture fit.

Digital eLogbook


Simplify your dive logging process with our eLogbook feature, which allows for efficient digital recording of dive profiles, accomplishments, and skill progression.

Industry-Wide Skill Recognition


Enjoy the benefit of having your skills and competencies universally acknowledged across the diving industry with our standardized eLogbook entries. Move away from subjective skill descriptions with our structured skill logging, enabling a more accurate portrayal of your abilities.

Dynamic Digital Resume


Present an always current and live digital resume that reflects your qualifications and in-water experiences, evolving with each dive you complete. Showcase of expertise and let your profile highlight your unique skill set, both in and out of water, functioning as a dynamic testament to your professional journey.

Validated Professional Standing


Our rigorous verification ensures your qualifications and experiences are accurately represented, maintaining the integrity of your professional image. This is the solution to stop plagiarized resumes, as well as fraudulently attained or stoles certification.

Sign up for early access

Dive into a world of diverse projects that can shape your
career in unimaginable ways.