
Digital Logbook: for
Effortless Record-Keeping

Skill N Depth's Digital Logbook isn't just a record-keeping tool; it's a dynamic platform that empowers divers to manage, showcase, and enhance their diving careers with unparalleled ease and efficiency.

Dive into the future of logbooks with Skill N Depth.

mobile app

Effortless Record-Keeping


Seamlessly document every dive, including details like depth, duration, and specific skills used, with just a few clicks.

Accessibility Anytime, Anywhere


Access your logbook from any device, ensuring your dive history is always at your fingertips whether you're at home, on-site, or on the go.

Real-Time Skill Showcase


Showcase your evolving expertise in real-time, allowing potential employers and industry peers to see your most recent and relevant experiences.

Secure and Tamper-Proof


Utilizing blockchain technology, our digital logbook ensures the security and immutability of your dive records, providing a trustworthy account of your skills

Efficient Job Applications


Apply for dive projects directly through your digital logbook, saving time and ensuring that your most pertinent information is readily available to potential employers.

Data Accuracy and Integrity


Minimize the risk of errors associated with manual logbooks. Digital entries are accurate, reducing the likelihood of miscalculations or oversight.

Streamlined Certification Verification


Easily demonstrate your qualifications and certifications by sharing your digital logbook with diving contractors, industry associations, and energy companies

Personalized Skill Insights


Receive insights into your own skill progression over time, helping you identify areas for improvement and growth in your diving career.

Enhanced Industry Recognition


Stand out in the industry by presenting a comprehensive and technologically advanced logbook, showcasing your commitment to professionalism and innovation.

Environmental Sustainability


Contribute to environmental conservation by reducing reliance on paper logbooks, aligning with the industry's move toward sustainable practices.

Sign up for early access

Dive into a world of diverse projects that can shape your
career in unimaginable ways.